Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 13-17

This week we learned the et word family.  We learned the blend bl.  Our sight words were and, what, and be.  Make sure your child knows those words without hesitation.

This week we learned how addition and subtraction can be related.  In this game the addition sentence was created that then the partner had to create a subtraction sentence that was in the same family.
In social studies we learned about mapping tools.  In science we learned about spring and how trees look in the spring.

 We had such a fun day on Valentine's Day.  Thank you for all who helped with the party.  For a special Valentine's treat I want to tell you what I love about each of these sweet kids.
 This guy is ALWAYS happy.  ALWAYS.  He laughs and smiles when he wins and when he looses.  He just loves life.  I wish I could bottle his mood and pass it out to everyone.
 This guy is so smart and mature.  He is almost a teaching assistant for me.  He always looks for ways to help me and make my day easier.  He even says, "Is it ok if I pick up all the trash on the floor?"  
 This guy is our social director.  Everyone loves to sit with him and he decides what we will play at recess.  He makes sure everyone gets a turn and the kids just love him.
 This girl is going to be a great mom.  She loves babies and puppies.  When a baby is at school in a stroller she just can't help herself, she has to go tell the baby "you are so cute!"
 This guy is so much fun!  He says the most hilarious things!  He is all boy and loves to play, but when it is time to work he gives it his all.
 This guys is very quiet and thoughtful.  He is always thinking.  He does not say much, but when he raises his hand to answer a question he always comes up with a very complex and insightful answer.  I love the way his brain works.
 This girl is sweetness personified.  She doesn't have a mean bone in her body and is always so sweet to her friends.
 This happy girl loves to learn.  When we learn something new she wants to know everything.  Her excitement makes teaching so much fun!
 This guys is so silly and loves to laugh.  He gets me and the kids laughing at times and it is hard to stop.  I think he might be the next Chris Rock...look for him on the comedy stage in 15 years.
 This guy is the muscle in our classroom.  I love that whenever the kids have something they need help with like reaching things or lifting things...this is the guy they call.  He is so sweet to his friends and always helps everyone with a happy heart.
 This girl is so creative.  She is always making things colorful and designs them in her own special way.  She has a gift for making things unique and special.
 This guy gives the very best hugs.  I love to start my day out with a big hug from him.  He loves to be a helper and takes any job I give him very seriously and works hard.
 This guy is so very generous.  He is always giving away his crayons and erasers.  He once heard another student cry in the cafeteria and he brought them his brand new McDonald's toy from his lunch to cheer them up.
 This girl loves to read.  She gets so excited when I read the class a new book.  She also can read very hard books all by herself.  She helps all her friends sound out hard words.
This girl strives for perfection.  Her writing and art work look like they have been created by an adult!  She gives her all to everything she does and I love to see the results! 
 This guy is so loving.  Every single paper I have ever received from him says I love Mrs. DeFeo on the top.  He always asks, "did you read the top of my paper?" It makes my day.
 This handsome guy has a really great smile.  He can be quiet but when he laughs and joins our conversations in class he is precious.
 This guy is a deep thinker.  He always amazes me with his knowledge of math and his comprehension of our lessons.  He once asked me if 10,000 was the first number with five digits. Wow!
 This tiny thing is very independent. She always has a plan and sometimes I laugh when I see her telling the bigger boys what to do and they do it.  :)  I love that she is spunky and at the same time such a sweet girl.
 This girl is athletic.  I love to watch her play sports at recess and give the boys a run for their money in races and in football.  She is a good friend and everybody always wants her on their team.
 This guy is such a good boy.  He works so hard to make sure he is always doing the right thing. He listens and tries his best.  I love his sweet heart.
This girl loves animals.  She is an expert in drawing animals and knows a lot of facts about them.  I love to see her excitement when we read about any animal.  This is a future veterinarian or zookeeper right here.

We got to go to a very special black history month assembly on Friday.  The step team did a great job teaching us about the importance of this month.  We will continue to study black history next week.
This cutie was my student of the week!

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