Saturday, February 11, 2017

February 6-10

This week we learned the word family ed, the blend fl, and the sight words do and this.

We can spell with blends and with digraphs!  Your child should know the digraphs th, sh, ch, and wh and the sounds that they make.

In math we learned about related facts.  We learned that you can take one fact and make three more using the same three numbers.
In social studies we learned about what the word technology means.
In science we did a lot of experimenting with magnets.  Your child should know that magnets are attracted to metal.  

We had a super fun visit from some puppets that taught us about how to take care of our teeth.  They brought us some toothpaste and a toothbrush!

My three cute birthday boys this week!
This sweetie was my Student of the Week.

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