Monday, January 16, 2017

January 9-13

This week we learned about the at word family.  Your child should be able to spell and read words that end with at very easily now.
These smarties made a 100 on their very first spelling test!
This week we reviewed all of our sight words and learned the number word seven.

We had a fun time in math this week playing money games.  Your child will need to know how to recognize the front and the back of the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.  They are also learning the value of each coin.
In science we continued to talk about plants in the winter.
In social studies we continued our discussion about good citizens.  We learned about how Martin Luther King, Jr. changed our world.
I love how the kids love each other. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream is alive in our classroom.
We have a new friend!  Welcome to our class!

Thank you to these families for sending in much needed supplies to help our class this week.  Also, special thanks to the students and families who participated in the "secret homework" this week.  If your child did not tell you about this assignment, ask them if they remember what to do.  I am trying to get the children to learn to tell you important information that they hear at school.  Very soon they will need to remember these details without the help of mom and dad.
This sweet boy was my student of the week.

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