Sunday, November 6, 2016

October 31-November 4

This week we learned the vowel Ee.  We know it can make two different sounds.  It has a long sound like in eagle and a short sound like in egg.  Our sight words were go and it and we learned our last color, white.

We spelled our sight words using our new Legos bought for us by the Back PTA.  Please make sure your family joins PTA.  You are not required to go to any meetings and the PTA supports your child every day at school.

We practiced sorting books into fiction and non fiction groups.  Your child knows that books that have photographs for illustrations are usually non fiction.
We had fun reading Halloween books on Monday.

The kids are reading so well!  They were able to independently read these clues and match them to animals in their small groups!  I was very proud.  The last picture is of the winning team!
 In math we are working on numbers 0-30.
This smartie had a 100 on his math test this week!
In social studies this week we talked a little about the history of our Garland community.  These guys are holding their science journals showing that we learned about heat energy in science this week.  The kids know things that produce heat energy like the sun or an oven.  I was very impressed during our brainstorming session that kids thought of heat sources that I had not thought lightning and volcanos!  Smart kids!
Our art work displayed in the hallway this week.

These are pictures that Mrs. Pollay sent me from art class.  The kids were having fun learning how to mix primary colors.
Thank you to this family for a yummy candy donation!  I have not had to buy treats for the kids with my own money the last few weeks.  I appreciate you all so much for your generosity.
Thank you to this family for sending canned food.  Please remember that our canned food drive is going on right now.  We will donate all of the food items to a charity in Rowlett.
This sweet boy was our student of the week!  I keep forgetting to send home a new poster on Fridays...I will try to stay on target with this.  I keep telling the kids to remind me!  I want to make sure every child gets a turn this year.

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