Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 24-28

This week we learned consonant Bb and Ll.  We learned the sight words at and see.  We learned the color word black.

We had some fifth grade volunteers come to help us finish learning our letters and sounds.
This week we learned about nouns.  Your child should know that a noun is a person, place, or thing.  Sometimes animals have their own category, but if not they are considered things and are always a noun.
In math we continued to learn about the numbers 11-20.  We practiced identifying one more and one less.

Hard at work putting our numbers in order...forwards and backwards!
In science we talked about sound energy. We can feel our vocal chords vibrating in our throats and that sound is heard with our ears.
In social studies we talked about the community helpers in our school.

Thank you to these awesome families for donating goodies to us this week!
Red Ribbon Week!  Say no to drugs!  Camo day! A little blurry due to my kindergarten aged photographer...but still fun!
Cute costumes on some cute kids!

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