Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 6-9

This week we learned about the letter Aa.  We learned that it is a vowel and when it wears a breve it makes its short sound as in apple.  When the Aa wears a macron it says its name as in acorn.  We also learned about the color blue.  Your child should be able to spell red and blue now.  Ask them to sing you their color word songs! We also learned about squares.

In math we continued to learn about the numbers 0-5. 
We took our very first math test.  The tests are in your child's folders.  We learned how to bubble in our answer.  We learned how to not talk and just put our answers down on the paper.  These tests were the first time that the students were not given the answers to write down written on the board.  They had to do the test all by themselves.  
In science we learned about the different tools that scientists use.  We learned that you can measure weight using a balance and you can measure temperature using a thermometer.  We learned that hand lenses help you make small things larger so you can see them.  We learned that scientists use safety goggles to protect their eyes....since I don't have any safety goggles we used my sunglasses!  ;)

In social studies we talked about the US flag and the Texas flag.  Your child should be able to tell you the difference.  Also, your child should be able to say both of the pledges for you.
Story time with our awesome librarian Mrs. Matthew.
We have two new students from Sachse that will be with us this year in the elementary teacher internship program. This is Miss Lindsey.
This is our other new teacher Miss Brenda.  They will be with us a couple of afternoons every week and go with us on field trips.  
This sweet boy turned 5 on the first day of school.  I did not do a good job posting his I thought I would do it now.
This birthday boy turns 5 this weekend!
Our awesome student of the week!  I will be sending home posters for your child to week at a time.  Look for yours to come home in the folders on Fridays.  I go in order by the student's last name.

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