Sunday, September 4, 2016

August 29-September 2

This week we learned about the letter Mm. We learned that Mm is a consonant in the middle of the 26 letters of the alphabet.  M can be written as a capital or in lower case.  We learned the sound that Mm makes.  Our sight words were an, can, red.  We also talked about circles.

In math we are learning about the numbers 0-5.
In science we learned about how we use our five senses to observe the world.

In social studies we had fun going on a bear hunt and looking for bears on our playground.  We practiced using position words like on, above, and under.

We had fun this week popping balloons and seeing our house color!  Thank you so much to all of the families who came to Meet the Teacher night!  A boy from Mrs. Allen's kindergarten won the Leap Frog Learning Pad.
These group of spirited cuties are in the Red Eagle house!
The Orange house filled with prideful Tigers!
The Blue Sharks were showing confidence!  They were missing one member that afternoon.
Here is our group of strong Green Gators!

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