Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 12-16

This week we learned the consonants Ss and Pp.  We learned the sight words am and we.  We learned the color word yellow and triangles were our shape.
I am excited to say that half of our class is now taking home books like these to read at night.  This is because they are able to blend sounds orally and they know all of the letters and sounds. If your child has had one of these come home, please make sure to listen to them read it and return it each day in your child's folder.  If your child has not received this in their folder yet, please make sure they are practicing the letters and sounds each night to catch up.
In math we learned how to find one more, two more, one less, and two less than a given number.  For example, you should be able to say to your child....what is two less than five...and they should use their fingers or counters to say three.  This would be a good thing to practice, maybe when you are stuck in traffic.  ;)
We have some very fun computer games that we play in the lab that help with this skill as well.  Can your child count backwards and forwards to 20?
In science we are learning that we have four seasons. Your child should know that it is still summer, but it will soon be autumn or fall, even though it does not feel like it in Texas!
In social studies we learned about how we need to follow the rules and respect authority figures like our parents, teachers, firemen, and police men.
Here is a list of authority figures that the children were able to name for themselves.  
We are learning to turn and talk to each other to brain storm ideas.
This cutie was my student of the week! 

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