Saturday, September 24, 2016

September 19-23

This week we learned the consonant Nn and the vowel Ii.  Our sight word was the.  We learned the color green and our shape was the rectangle.

The kids are doing a great job writing in their journals each morning.
Some of the kids are starting to write their own sentences!
In math we learned about the numbers 6-10.  We are really working on making sure the kids can represent the numbers quickly on a ten frame.  A ten frame is pictured here and that is where the kids put their counters.  They always start at the top left, just like when we read.  For a fun home activity...see if you can call out the numbers 0-10 randomly to your child.  See if they can quickly show you the correct number of fingers.  We are trying to get them to do that without counting each time.

In science we continued to talk about fall or autumn.  We talked about how leaves change colors in the fall.
In social studies we learned the difference between goods and services.
We had a fun day on college day!
Happy birthday to this fun guy!  

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