Saturday, October 1, 2016

September 26-30

This week we learned the consonants Cc and Tt.  We reviewed our sight words. We learned the color word brown and our shape was an oval.
We learned about how letters Cc and Kk both say /k/. This makes it confusing to know what letter to use when we hear that sound.  This week we learned that Kk will only stand in front of letters e, i, and y. Letter Cc will stand in front of any other letter.
In math we continued to talk about the numbers 6-10. We learned about the different ways to make the number ten.  
These smart students were about to correctly show all the different ways to make 5 on their math test.
 Silly boys pretending to be the parts of a tree. :)
In science we talked about the parts of trees. We know about the roots, the trunk, the branches, and the leaves.

In social studies we learned about being a good citizen.
This week's birthday boy!
Award winners!

 House party fun!
The green team were the winning house this first 6 weeks!
Our student of the week!

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