Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 24-28

This week we learned the ick word family.  We reviewed our letter blends and we learned the sight words where, from, and my.
In math we finished up our study of graphs and data.

We are working on presenting plays to the class in groups.  Each of these tables were a group that had their own play to work on Friday.  The kids had to design the backdrop for the play with the correct setting.  They also made character masks for each character to hold.  It will be fun to hear them read their plays next week.

Alphabet count down to the end of the year has begun!! On Wednesday, we had "Alien Art" painting to review letter A.
On Thursday, we blew bubbles to review letter B.
 On Friday, we ate cookies to review letter C!

Thank you to these two amazing families for donating fun items to our class this week!  :)  I could not do this job without the support of so many great parents.

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