Sunday, December 4, 2016

November 28-December 2

This week we learned the consonants Gg and Xx.  The consonant Gg is tough for kindergarteners.  They always want to say that it says /j/...and it does make that sound in words such as giraffe.  However, they need to know that its main sound is /g/ as in goat.  Our words this week were have and three.

We also are learning how to sequence events in a story.  This was a fun activity to sequence the holiday book If You Take a Mouse to the Movies.
We had a lot of fun this week with "peanut butter and jelly questions".  We just used that term to describe our critical thinking questions we discuss with partners.  Ask your child if they can tell you how our system works.  They had a lot of fun with this and kept asking for more questions!

 This week in math we continued to learn how to write addition number sentences.  
These smarties made a 100 on their addition test.
In science this week we continued to learn about the properties of objects.  You might have seen your student's drawings of things that were light and heavy, hot and cold, and rough and smooth.
In social studies this week we wrote about our family holiday traditions. 
The kids were SO excited in PE this week getting to play with a parachute.  I took this picture because they jumped out from under the parachute and tried to surprise me when I picked them up.  They excitedly ran to the line.  They loved it!
On Friday we received a new student!  Welcome to our class!
This fun guy was my student of the week this week.  

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