Thursday, June 2, 2016

Last Post This Year May 30-June 3

6th 6 Weeks Awards in our classroom
 Most Creative from Mrs. DeFeo's class
 Most Improved for the school year!
 So proud of this girl!  She was chosen from the whole kindergarten to be the Top Art Student AND the Top Music Student for the last 6 weeks!  That is pretty awesome!
 This great kid received a free pass to Hawaiian Falls for being the only student in all of kindergarten to have Perfect Attendance for the whole year!  Way to go!
These are my good citizens for the 6th 6 weeks.  They were all invited to attend the Effort Extravaganza.
This sweetie was my Top Dog of the grading period!
Celebrating Summer Birthdays!

Mrs. Jasmin brought us cupcakes and juice today.  I laughed so hard when the kids used their juice boxes to say "Cheers!"
Theses two were selected for pizza with the principals today!
Effort Extravaganza ice pops and extra recess!
Kindergarten Graduation was fabulous!  Thank you to all who attended.  It has been a wonderful year with your children.  I will miss them all.  Good luck to everyone in first grade and have a great summer.

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