Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 25-29

This week we learned the word family idk and reviewed our letter sounds. We learned the sight words  were for, where, and me.
In math we continued to learn about data and graphs.
Math Masters!
100's on tests!
These guys made a 100 on all three of their Friday tests!
Thank you to this sweet family for sending Skittles!
We were so sad that one of our buddies moved away this week.  We will miss you so much!  Some of us held on and didn't want to let him of them might have been Mrs. DeFeo....
We started the ABC countdown to the end of school on Thursday!  Here we are on A is for art day.

B is for bubbles day!
This guy was my Bulldog of the Week!  So proud of his improvements.
Hang in there!  Only 24 days left!!

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